Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dusting Off The Screen and Clearing Up The Cobwebs...

I decided to dust off this old horse and begin using it once again. It's now been more than three years since I've done anything with it. Why waste it and let it languish for another 3 years?

So, boys and girls, hamsters, monsters and things that go 'bump', I shall be adding a bit more here -- here and there for your edification, entertainment and education........and my sanity.

There is so much to be said about Humanity.

Most of it bad...

At this point in history I am not sanguine about our survival as a species for all that much longer. We have managed over the last 300 years to destroy thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years of natural evolutionary development for our wonderful and hardy addictions to greed and consumerism...

Rah, rah, rah! Siss, Boom, Bah!
Careful what you ignore....

Friday, May 12, 2006

Where the Hell are We?

Well --

Where the Hell are we when the price of gas is bravely climbing towards the summit of mount Everest?

Where the Hell are we when the price of Gold, Silver and Platinum has reached heights never before realized in the entire history of Mankind, with no end in sight?

Where the Hell are we when Suicide Bombing actually works?

Where the Hell are we when the most powerful Nation on Earth (in terms of destructive power) teeters on the brink of Global War with a group of non-aligned yet purposefully posessed anarchists bent on the overthrow of the West?

We say "In God We Trust!" They say "God Is Great!" Still others say "An Eye For An Eye!"

So, where the hell are we going? Heaven? Hell? Somewhere In-Between? A Bardo?

One side waits for "The End of Days" another side is "Martyring for Maidens" and many, many more would rather just work it out and get along....

So, what's wrong with Peaceful Co-Existence?

Can we have Peaceful Co-Existence when we are wiping out vast tracts of our natural world on a daily basis? Can we have Peaceful Co-Existence when the gap between the Rich and the Poor is widening in ever-geometric patterns?

Has anyone ever even bothered to look past the end of their nose at these little quandaries?
It's not my problem.......It'll work itself out.......How should I know........I don't really care.....
These are the responses I hear.

So, if no one cares and no one knows and if it's no one's problem,

Why then, No One will fix it and No One will care and No One will take responsibility and No One will get after it and No One will work it out.........

Careful what you wish for.....You might just get the END

Is it any wonder America has the president that it does?
Is it any wonder the World is sufferring the way it is?
Is it any wonder that Globalization is destabalizing the ecomnomic bases of many developed countries?
Is it any wonder that there is Global Warming?
Is it any wonder that there is Global Cooling?
Is it any wonder that there are freak storms?
Is it any wonder that thousands can die when there are ways to prevent it?

No, my friends, NO.

The World, The Earth can make decisions on its own without us....
But, can we survive the Earth's desicion making process?

.......Who Cares?.....